Thank you, gracias, danke, hvala, spasiba, for all you do. All is well but, hunger, when will I eat?

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Sending arrows of BIG LOVE to thee. May WE re-boot, re-start and receive an arrow into the one heart. With deep gratitude for your Presence in my life movie.

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BIG LOVE to you, Sarah!

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I apologize for my rudeness, it was high pressure time, now all is well.

Allow me to, please, add how pleasantly I am surprised at

the wealth you have discovered in the various countires of

the heart

and I thank you

for sharing

all the beauty you so untiringly keep birthing..

I am most definitely paying attention now,

your manners and Youtube videos are gracious in the highest.

Paix et Amour from sLOVEnia.


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Thank you!

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