Thank you for sharing this practice. I started the practice as I do Seiki sessions, pressing my eyeballs which initiates an inner felt sense and almost immediate rocking. After a few minutes of getting annoyed at trying to say “concentrate” in my head in different ways I started to notice that the way I said “concentrate” dictated how my body was moving because it was aligned with how I was breathing in that moment. It became intense at times and I found my torso moving in a circular fashion- a way that it has not moved before in Seiki sessions- and I almost fell off my bench. When I took a break I opened my eyes and simultaneously felt big and small at the same time, almost as if my body had grown or the room had shrunk and yet I also felt humbled, the way I do standing beneath a Redwood tree.

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Wonderful. Seiki thrives on change and never experimentation with the ways annoyance and contentment, big and small, circle and line, concentration and distraction, habit and interruption interact to throw us further into the ineffable stream of spontaneity. Concentrate!

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